Category: Utilities Updates

Pepco Files Annual Bill Stabilization Adjustment in D.C.

On January 31, 2025, Pepco filed its annual Bill Stabilization Adjustment (“BSA”) in the District. The BSA was first implemented in January 2010.  The rationale behind the BSA was to remove the link between electricity use and utility revenue. Until now, the more electricity customers used, the more revenues Pepco received. Pepco argued that the  previous rate structure created a disincentive for the utility to encourage customers to conserve energy since it lowered Pepco’s revenues.

Previously, the BSA was adjusted monthly and contained a 10% cap provision so that the monthly charge could not exceed 10 % of the expected revenue from each rate class.  The BSA accrues the amount of expected revenue vs. what Pepco has collected and the under collection is then billed to rate payers.  The BSA balances have been accruing at a significant rate, especially for the GT_LV class, which has a balance of $56 million in uncollected revenue.

There have been several issues with the BSA that AOBA has testified about in the most recent Pepco rate case and other cases.  Partly in response, the DC PSC authorized a change in the BSA in its most recent ruling:

  1. PSC directed Pepco to remove $15.3M balance, due to Pepco errors in the BSA demand billing determinant factor
  2. PSC also directed Pepco to create a regulatory asset to collect the BSA balances as of December 31, 2024 and collect  those balances over the next 10 years.

The new BSA charge will be an annual charge as a separate line item on customers’ bills to be collected from March 2025 through February 2026.  This charge will be listed as BSA Adjustment II on the bill. For a sample office building on the GT_LV rate schedule,  the new BSA represents an increase of ~ $14K annually.

There will be a BSA Adjustment I that will calculate the over/under collected revenue for CY 2025.  This will be another line item on bills beginning March 2026 through February 2027.

Pepco DC Rate Case Settlement Update

AOBA and AOBA Alliance presented an update to the Pepco DC rate case, FC 1176. Pepco filed its compliance rates in December effective January 1, 2025. The compliance rates resulted in a 35% reduction in the original request by Pepco but buildings will see some large increases in their Pepco distribution bills in 2025.


Rate Impact

Energy Market Update November 2024

AOBA Alliance, Inc. and Constellation held the quarterly energy market update informing participants about changes in the PJM Capacity market as well updating the status of utility rate cases in Maryland, DC and Virginia. If you would like more information or access to the Constellation presentation, please contact [email protected]

November 2024

AOBA Energy Market Update & Utility Committee Meeting

AOBA Utility Committee Meeting
November 20 | 11 AM – 12 PM | via Zoom

Frann Francis, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for AOBA, and Kevin Carey, Vice President of AOBA Alliance, will update AOBA members on the ongoing rate cases in Maryland and D.C. and their impacts on budgets as well as other energy related issues impacting members and participants.

William Sticka, Director of Technical Sales/Market Strategy for Constellation, will present the market fundamentals impacting electric and natural gas pricing, updates on winter weather forecasts, PJM Capacity prices as well as purchasing strategies and opportunities for AOBA members and AOBA Alliance participants.