Category: Uncategorized

Pepco Files for $31M Increase in Maryland

Pepco filed a request for a $31.0 million increase beginning May 1, 2025 in Maryland as the Company’s Final Reconciliation as a result of the last MYP approved in Maryland, i.e., Case No. 9655. AOBA was a party to that proceeding and will file testimony on October 18, 2024 as required by the Commission’s Order No. 91292.

Hearings will be held beginning December 17, 2024 and briefs and reply briefs will be filed in January, 2025. Implementation of reconciliation rates will be effective May 1, 2025.

Washington Gas Files for Rate Increase in the District

WG is requesting a $45.6 million increase in rates which includes a transfer of $11.7 million from the PROJECTpipes surcharge to base rates, for an incremental increase of $33.9 million.

WG proposes that new rates become effective June 1, 2025.

In WG’s last base rate case FC 1169, the PSC reduced WG’s request for a $53.0 million increase to $24.6 million, which became effective January 19, 2024.

WG’s proposed rate increase estimates for Commercial and Group Metered Apartment customers range between 20-28% in the Company’s new case.

AOBA Utility Committee Meeting & Energy Market Update

August 15th

11AM-12PM via Zoom

Frann Francis, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for AOBA, and Kevin Carey, Vice President of AOBA Alliance, will update AOBA members on the ongoing rate cases in Maryland and D.C. and their impacts on budgets as well as other issues impacting members and participants including Building Energy Performance Standards.

William Sticka, Director of Technical Sales/Market Strategy for Constellation, will present the market fundamentals impacting electric and natural gas pricing, updates on the PJM capacity auction, and purchasing strategies and opportunities for AOBA members and AOBA Alliance participants.

AOBA Alliance & Constellation Utility Committee Meeting

January 31st 11am-12pm virtual meeting

Energy Market and Utility Rate Case Update

AOBA and Constellation Energy will present a review of the current energy market and the impact on  utility rates for AOBA members and AOBA Alliance participants.

William Sticka, Director of Technical Sales/Market Strategy for Constellation, will present a comprehensive update and view on the wholesale natural gas and electric markets and the impact on energy supply contracting for our members and Alliance participants. Frann Francis, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for AOBA, and Kevin Carey, Vice President of AOBA Alliance, will provide an update on the most recent information on Pepco and Washington Gas rate cases and their impact on members’ utility costs.

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Utility Rate Changes Calendar

• Pepco MD Case No. 9702 Request for $193.2 million Multi-Year Plan (“MYP”) rate increase New electric rates will be effective April 1, 2024, but will not be appear on customer’s bills until August 17, 2024. Year 1 rate increase will be collected between August 17, 2024 and March 31, 2025.
• WGL MD Case No. 9704 Request for $49.4 million rate increase New gas rates will be effective December 14, 2023
• WGL MD Case No. 9708 Request for New Stride Surcharges New Stride surcharges will be effective in December 2023
• Montgomery County Electric and Gas Energy Tax New energy tax rates were effective July 1, 2023
District of Columbia
• Pepco DC Formal Case No. 1176 Request for $190.7 million Multi-Year Plan rate increase New electric rates may be effective by July 1, 2024
• WGL DC Formal Case No. 1169 Request for $53.0 million rate increase New gas rates may be effective by January 1, 2024
• WGL-DC Formal Case No. 1175 Request for 5-year Pipe Replacement Plan for $671.8 million No information available at this time.
• WGL VA Case No. PUR-2022-00054 Request for $86.6 million rate increase New gas rates were effective November 26, 2022 and refunds will be issued by November 29, 2023.
• DVP Case No. PUR-2023-00067 Fuel rate request – Temporary decrease New fuel rates were effective July 1, 2023
• DVP Case No. PUR-2023-00101 2023 Biennial Review of its Rates New electric rates may be effective January 18, 2024

AOBA Alliance and Constellation Host Energy Market Update

August 1, 2023

Alliance participants were updated on the current legislative and regulatory landscape in the energy sector by Frann Francis, Chief Counsel for AOBA and Kevin Carey, Vice President of Operations for AOBA Alliance.

Additionally, Constellation provided a comprehensive overview of the current energy market and its impact on operations for AOBA members and Alliance participants.

August 1st Energy Market Update

Washington Gas Requests a $49.4 Million Increase in Rates in Maryland

Washington Gas has filed with a rate increase proposal of $49.4 million revenue increase to be effective December 14, 2023. Included in the $49.4 million revenue increase is a $21.0 million request to transfer the Washington Gas Strategic Infrastructure Development And Enhancement Plan or “STRIDE” surcharges into base rates subject to Commission approval.

Washington Gas’ claimed justification for the new rate increase mimics prior requests to increase rates charged to Maryland customers. According to its Application, Washington Gas has not been able to earn the 7.09 percent overall rate of return (“ROR)” based on the 9.70 % return on equity (“ROE”) authorized by the Commission in the Company’s last rate case (i.e., Case No. 9651). “Current rates,” Washington Gas explains, “are not just and reasonable and are inadequate due to the growth in the Company’s net rate base and increases in operation and maintenance costs.”

Pepco Requests $193.2 Million Increase in Revenue in Multi-Year Rate Plan Application in Maryland

Pepco filed an Application for its largest distribution revenue increase ever requested in Maryland on May 16, 2023. Pepco has requested a cumulative $193.2 million increase in its base distribution revenue over the next three years (i.e., 2024-2026) to be effective April 1, 2024. Specifically, Pepco is proposing that rates increase by $74.4 million on April 1, 2024, by $59.4 million on April 1, 2025 and then again by an additional $59.4 million on April 1, 2026 through March 31, 2027. Pepco has also included in its Application a proposal that would extend the three year Multi-Year Plan request (“MYP”) through December 31, 2027.

In Maryland, the increased rates requested are as follows:
 Year 1 Increase (2024) : $ 74.4 million
 Year 2 Increase (2025) : $ 59.4 million
 Year 3 Increase (2026) : $ 59.4 million