Attached is the Annual DC REPS report for CY 2021
Some hi-lights
- Added 2,337 new solar energy systems including 82 community renewable energy facilities (“CREFs”)
- CREFs now have 26.5 MWs of capacity installed in the District
- In total, DC added 37 MWs of Solar capacity for a year end total of 191.8 MWs of Solar
- Wards 5,7 and 8 are the highest solar producing Wards
- The total cost of compliance was $99.1 million for all suppliers (who in turn collect from members and residents in the commodity portion of the bill)
- The average price for one DC Solar Renewable Energy Credit was $430 in 2021- the highest in the nation which helps explain why RPS charges on your energy supply charges now comprise ~10% of the total cost